TURKANA EXPEDITION – 14 – 22 June 2014
Turkana Expedition
14 – 22 June , 2014
The above expedition to Turkana is now fixed for the above dates. It is basically a camping trip but most places where we stop also have bandas.
The route to be followed is Nairobi – Archer’s Post – Ngurunit – South Horr – Loyangelani – North Horr – Kalacha – Marsabit – Isiolo – Nairobi.
The areas we travel through are hauntingly beautiful. They are inhabited by different fascinating tribes. There is little game.
Transport is in an expedition truck with a company with almost 40 years of experience of travelling up north. You can accompany us in your own vehicle but it should be a heavy vehicle car like a landrover, otherwise you will just wreck your car. It is a long drive of almost 1,500km, often over rocky terrain.
Cost: 72,500 Ksh.
Costing is based on 15 persons.
Included: transport, all meals, tents and mattresses, cost of 2 armed guards, a tip for the driver and cook
Not included: camping fee, drinking water, other drinks, items of a personal nature, park entry where applicable
Kindly sign up by 20 May and put down a deposit.
Mpesa Paybill No: 400800, Account No: 6571570019
For any inquiries call Narinder 0721 718590 or email narinder.heyer@gmail.com
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