Saturday, 13 November 2021

Muthaiga Country Club

Glasgow 2021: The fallacy of Net Zero

Dr Mark Nicholson – Director, Plants for Life, Brackenhurst Botanic Garden

Dr. Nicholson will discuss the dangers of aspiring to Net Zero by 2050, the improbability of reaching the targets, the flaws in the existing climate models and the need to aim for Net Negative.

4.00pm – Registration & canapes in the garden

4.30pm – Talk in the Ballroom

6.30pm – Dinner (last order 8pm)

NOTE: Pre-registration and payment is required


Ksh 1,500, Talk + canapes

Ksh 3,450, Talk, canapes + dinner

Drinks are excluded

Payment: M-PESA Paybill no: 400800, Acct No: 657 157 0019

Register Here:

0724 255 299 /

Face masks are compulsory and all Covid protocols to be observed.