NAIROBI HALF LIFE Movie @ Purdy Arms Restaurant – Karen

Nrb Half Life Poster

#Movie Under The Stars
Wednesday 9 April 2014, 7:15pm
Purdy Arms Restaurant – Marula Lane, Karen

If you have not seen Kenya’s biggest blockbuster movie on the big screen, you have another chance to catch it at Purdy Arms on Wednesday 9 April from 7.15 pm.
Winner of the Kalasha Award 2012, Breakthrough Audience Award at AFI Fest 2012 and Film Africa 2012 Audience Award
Nominated for the for the 2013 Academy Awards’ Best Foreign Picture and for an Oscar
This is the story of a young man in pursuit of his dream of becoming an actor. He makes his way to Nairobi, the city of opportunity, and quickly understands why Nairobi is nicknamed Nairobbery when he is robbed of all his money and belongings and left alone in a city where he doesn’t know a soul.
He is drawn into a dangerous world of crime where he comes face to face with both the city’s criminals and ruthless policmen.
His determination is encouraging and a true testament to the adage that says, “What stands between us and our goals is us”.
You can purchase an original DVD of the movie for Ksh 1,000.

Refreshments: 6.45pm Starts: 7:15 pm (1.30 hrs) Dinner: following the movie
Movie, Drink & Dinner Ksh 1,700
Movie & Drink Ksh 600
Reservations: 0724 255299, 2339158 or
MPESA no: 400800, Account no: 6571570019
All proceeds go to support the National Museums of Kenya.

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