Treetops – the Aberdares Park – 10-11 March, 2018

Nyeri – Treetops – the Aberdares Park

10-11 March, 2018

This is a one night trip that covers history of Kenya as well as visit to a national park.

We go to Nyeri and the Salient area of Aberdares Park. The destination, Treetops, is about 180km from Nairobi. Treetops is famous in Kenyan history as the lodge where Princess Elizabeth was staying when King George the Sixth died and she became queen. The lobby has a photographic exhibition of the events centred around 1952. The lodge faces Mt Kenya and has a water hole and a salt lick which is visited by wild animals at night, especially elephant.

Cost:   14,250ksh pp sharing.

Single room supplement 900ksh

Included:  1 FB, walk along the river, tips

Not included:  Transport, park entry

Roads: good tarmac, in the park the usual rough roads

Weather:  cold at night so take a jacket

Payment Options:

Safaricon: MPesa Paybill, Business no – 400800, Account No- 6571570019

Airtel Money – 0780 755 231


Bookings:  0724 255 299 or

All KMS activities support and promote the National Museums of Kenya


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