Safari – Lake Turkana and the Chalbi Desert: 24 Aug – 2 Sept, 2018

Safari – Lake Turkana and the Chalbi Desert: 24 August  – 2 September

The 10 day annual KMS trip to Lake Turkana comes with a difference this year!

Itinerary  Nairobi – Isiolo _ Archer’s Post – South Horr – Loyangelani – Mt Kulal – North Horr – Chalbi Desert – Marsabit – Isiolo – Nairobi

Transport in landcruisers

Accommodation in tents. Mattresses provided. You can upgrade yourself to bandas everywhere at only 1,000sh a night if you wish.

Food excellent FB throughout, except lunch on day 10.

Cost – Ksh 134,000 pp

Included transport, accommodation, all food, 2 nights lodge in Marsabit

Not included Marsabit park entry for 2 days (residents 500sh per day), lunch on Day 10.

Deadline for registration and full payment is 10 July. Book early. Only 11 places. Attendance conditional on booking.

For bookings and more details about the trip, please contact us on: 0724 255 299 or

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