Western Kenya Safari – 26 – 29 September 2013

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Western Kenya September 19-22
It is a long time since KMS did a trip to Western Kenya. Because of the distance it is a 3 night trip. We shall stay at the very charming Safari Village on the shores of Lake Victoria. There are usually spectacular sunsets. Dinners will be served under the stars

Day 1- Drive to Mbita via Narok. On the way we shall stop at Thimlich Ohinga. The stone ruins are like a smaller version of the Great Zimbabwe ruins.
Day 2- Day’s boatride to visit Mfungamano island and bird island in the lake.
Day 3- We drive through the beautiful Gwasi Hills and visit Ruma National park. It is the only place in Kenya where you can see the rare roan antelope. Some rhinos were also recently moved to this park. If there is time, we shall visit the prehistoric site on Rusinda Island and Tom Mboya grave.

Cost: Ksh 17,900 pp sharing. Single supplement Ksh 1,300 per day.
Included: FB for 3 days
Not Included: Transport & boatride

Contact Narinder Heyer – 0721 – 718 590, 0733 – 704 267