Talk – Climate Change Changes Everything : Challenges and Empowerment

Image of Climate change

Climate Change Changes Everything : Challenges and Empowerment

By Prof. Peter Blaze Corcoran, Environmental Studies and Environmental Education, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA

Saturday 29 November 2014
Louis Leakey Auditorium, Nairobi National Museum

“As humankind pushes the planet past dangerous thresholds of temperature and carbon, life on earth as we have known it is being dramatically changed. The collapse of climate systems is altering ecosystems, agricultural systems, and social systems. The lecture will explore the urgency of the impacts of climate change on Africa. The theme will be the challenges of comprehending the impact of climate change on the beauty and bounty of Earth and what we in Kenya can do to empower our communities, faith institutions, schools, and families to respond.”

Refreshments for sale 3.15pm Talk 4:00 pm


Ksh 200 Citizen or Student
Ksh 400 KMS member
Ksh 500 Guest
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