
and tour of the new JOY ADAMSON EXHIBITION
Wednesday 23 APRIL 2014

You are kindly asked to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Kenya Museum Society Wednesday, 23 April, at 6:15 pm in the Louis Leakey Auditorium. Wine, juice and bitings will be provided from 5:00 pm. Park in the upper parking lot next to the Louis Leakey Auditorium.
There is a special opportunity for you at 5:30 in the Museum. KMS has worked with the Nairobi National Museum to revive what was a very popular anchor exhibition for the museum in the past, the Joy Adamson Exhibition. KMS has funded the project and worked hand in hand with the Exhibitions Department to develop a refreshingly new presentation of the colorful and intriguing illustrations by Adamson that capture and preserve the cultural and natural heritage of Kenya. Fifty pieces have been selected for the first year of the exhibition and another fifty will be substituted in the second year to keep the exhibition fresh. A sample of 6 of the peoples illiustrations have been selected for a post card set to be sold in the KMS Shop and other NMK museums.
Work is ongoing, but we want to give KMS members an opportunity to be the first to visit the exhibition in its nearly-finished stage. That opportunity will be just prior to the AGM, from 5:30-6:10. Please bring your KMS membership card for free entry to the Museum. The exhibition is on the second floor above the Hall of Kenya. At 6:10 sharp we will proceed to the Louis Leakey Auditorium for the AGM.
If you want to nominate officers or other Council members, you are encouraged to contact the KMS office by email or phone. Any member who wishes to submit a resolution at the Annual General Meeting must do so by sending it in writing to the Secretary, Dr. Marla Stone, via the KMS email ( Self nominations are welcome, but must be submitted in writing and seconded by another KMS member.
Please confirm your attendance on or before Wednesday, 16th April by email ( or phone (020 3743808, 0724 255299, or wireless 020 2339158).
If your membership has lapsed or will soon lapse you may renew prior to the beginning of the meeting. Though all categories of members are encouraged to attend, only paid-up members, exclusive of student members, visitor members, NMK special category members, and KMS staff, will be able to vote on any issues.

The agenda for the AGM will be as follows:
1. Opening of Meeting
2. Approval of Minutes of 2013 AGM
3. Chairperson’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. New Business
a. Election of officers and other Council members
b. Appointment of auditor
c. Additional new business
d. Revision of corporate membership charges
6. Adjournment

A constitutional change is proposed regarding the membership fee for corporate members. The proposal, which will be voted on in the AGM, is to change the cost of one-year corporate membership to Ksh 6,000 with 8 membership cards from the current rate of Ksh 15,000 with 8 membership cards.
Park in the upper parking lot near the Louis Leakey Auditorium and walk around to the main entrance.